Everyday you wash, shave, shampoo, clip your nails, wash, and dry your hair. Personal grooming, for most people, is a series of well-entrenched habits. And in most cases it is over done. Would you be willing to change your routine if doing so made your skin look more attractive and created a better-looking you?
Most adults whom are over thirty commit one big mistake when it comes to washing: The do too much of it. They shower in the morning, another after the gym, maybe even one before bedtime. If you spend twelve minutes in the shower, that's too long. Cut your time in the shower to five minutes for your skin's sake.
Too much washing results not just in cleanliness but in removing too much oil from your skin, and itchy and irritated skin, particularly in the winter months.
If you are using a shower without a water filter and with the steam build up, you are subjecting yourself and your skin to excess chlorine.
Below are bathing tips that you can benefit from:
1. Avoid using a washcloth on delicate areas, especially the mucous membranes. Do use a soft sponge to massage your skin. Use a glycerine soap and sponge and move in one direction toward your heart.
2. Use medium-warm water in the shower, the cooler the better, but not too cold.
3. If you have normal to dry skin, use Dove Unscented or Basis for Sensitive Skin on your body and either a soap free cleanser or nothing at all on mucous membranes. Do use many of the commercial bar soap, since they are harsh on the skin.
4. If you tend to have oily skin, then use good gylcerine soap. I use this type of soap and it removes just enough oil without drying my skin.
5. Skip a shower as often as you can. This may not seem like appealing advice but the more time you have in between showers the better. Skip a shower for a whole day once or twice a week, especially in the winter. Allow your skin to produce and maintain its natural oils. Or if this does not appeal to you, make your shower extra short on some days.
6. Make sure you use shampoos that contain mostly natural ingredients. A lot of commercial products contain synthetic chemicals, petrochemicals, and various dyes and artificial coloring. All of these un-natural chemicals are extremely bad for you health. Learn which chemicals to avoid.
So that you can improve the health of your skin, takes some time to look over your shower habits, Decrease the time in your shower, use a water filter to remove toxins from the water, massage your skin, and use only natural products for your skin and hair.
About the Author : Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. If you want to learn more about which chemicals to avoid in skin care creams and how to take care of your skin go to: http://www.for--you.com/SkinCareTreatment
Friday, 3 July 2009
Learn How to Shower To Keep Your Skin Healthy
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Are Hair Regrowth Vitamins Right For You?
Hair Loss may be a difficult and stressful condition for anyone who happens to suffer from it. The worse thing about it is that hair loss can occur almost overnight, without symptoms or no reason. On the other hand, hair loss for some people is a gradual process. For many years, there was really nothing you could do when you started having hair loss, except to accept what was happening. With advanced on the market, you may be thinking that vitamins are the way to go. But before you go the vitamin route, you should make sure that your hair loss is really a nutrient issue. There are two things to consider when you are going to look at a vitamin regimen. What you need to ask yourself is the following. Is my hair loss due to genetics or stress. What you answer will tell a lot.
If you are a hair loss victim, you may to find out what hair restoration vitamins are on the market. The type of restoration hair vitamins you need will depend on the severity of the loss, and the various reasons for the hair loss you are experiencing. If you have hair loss which is due to genetic reasons, you may want to discuss various over-the-counter vitamins with your local pharmacist, and, if necessary, ask your doctor about prescription vitamins that can help you with this type of hair loss.
Depending on what you pharmacist says, you may need to work with a shampoo, or a hair ointment. There are some products over the counter that work well. Rogaine is one brand that is widely available for those experiencing hair loss. Vitamin B and Vitamin C supplements have also been linked with the improvement of hair retention.
On the other hand, if your hair loss caused by stress, it may be a chemical imbalance or potential allergic reaction. In this case, it is important to talk with your doctor. The nice thing is, if your doctor believes that you can eliminate the stress, then by simply eliminating the stress, you stop the hair losses. Often times, a traumatic experience can be linked to certain activities like rapid weight loss, pregnancy, child birth, or severe sickness. Any major shock to your body and system can cause stress related hair loss. Usually overtime, as you recover, your hair will return.
What is really important is that it is always seek the advice of your doctor before you begin any program or taking any type of hair restorative vitamins.